samedi 27 août 2016

How can I create an array based in a IF funtion

I'm new at VBA and coding. My problem is as follows: I have an array of data in a spreadsheet conformed by client's names and the day the order product. What I need to do is create a new array, in a different spreadsheet, where I can have every client listed (without repeating) on column A and the associated order date for each client on column B, C an so on. So basically is converting the raw data into useful data. I would really appreciate any type of help!! The VBA looks as follows:

Sub Test_1()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

' Statment

Dim Client As String
Dim Order_date As Date
Dim Counter As Integer
Dim Data As Worksheet
Dim Data_storage As Worksheet
Dim i As Integer

Counter = 10

' Core
' For every value in column B *This values are going to be clients names * They are going to be repeated value in this column *This data is in the Data spreadsheet

' When the counter begins, if new Client is detected
' Then paste in worksheet Data_storage in column A and paste in column B the Order_date value *Every Client will have a order date associated

' If's a repeated Client, only paste the Order_date value in the next column with no value of the existing Client

End Sub

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