mercredi 31 août 2016

If else statements in Java / calling other class

I need to create a driver program that says if I can fight a ticket or just pay it off. My problem is calling in another class called ticket to create an if else statement. I created an if else statement that will only say to fight the ticket on the last ticket...

(here is the problem im stuck on) **The problem: You are receiving speeding tickets which are automatically generated by a camera. You can FIGHT the ticket if any of the following are true:

• Your recorded speed is <= 11 mph over the limit

what am i doing wrong?

          import java.util.*; //scanner
           public class MinilabUsingClasses

            public static void main (String [] args)
    Scanner kb = new Scanner(;  //creating new instance of scanner
    int numTickets;  //variable for number of tickets
    String name; //variable for name

    System.out.print("How many tickets do you have? " );         //ask user for numtickets
    numTickets = kb.nextInt();

    System.out.print("\nWhat is your name? " );         //ask user for name
    name =;

    for (int i= 1; i <= numTickets; i++)  // use for loop to bring in random ticket info

        Ticket currentTicket = new Ticket(name);

    int newSpeed = 0;

    if (newSpeed <= 11)
        System.out.println ("Fight!");
    else if (newSpeed > 11)
        System.out.println("Pay :(");



      //This class will describe a theoretical "speed camera ticket"

         import java.util.*;     //for random number generator

     public class Ticket
private final int LIMIT = 55;

private String name;
//private int limit;
private int speed;
private String cameraID;
private String location;

//default constructor - creates a ticket with the name "Bill Gates"
public Ticket()
    this("Bill Gates");     //just turns around and calls constructor with single arg

//parameterized constructor - this will set all values.  limit and location
//will be constant and the rest will have some randomness built in
public Ticket(String theName)
    //random number generator
    Random generator = new Random();

    //local variables
    int rand, len;
    char randomChar;

    //set the name data value
    name = theName;

    //name will have some randomness
    for (int i=0; i<name.length(); i++)
        rand = generator.nextInt(10);     //random int from 0-9
        if (rand < 3)        //3/10 of the time change lowercase <-> uppercase
            if (name.charAt(i) >= 'a' && name.charAt(i) <= 'z')
                //lowercase -> uppercase
                name = name.substring(0,i) + (char)(name.charAt(i)-32) + name.substring(i+1);
            else if (name.charAt(i) >= 'a' && name.charAt(i) <= 'z')
                //uppercase -> lowercase
                name = name.substring(0,i) + (char)(name.charAt(i)+32) + name.substring(i+1);

        rand = generator.nextInt(21);     //random int from 0-20
        if (rand < 1 && name.charAt(i) != ' ')        //1/20 of the time put in a typo (but not for blanks)
            randomChar = (char)(generator.nextInt(94)+33);          //get a randomChar in the ASCII table (33-126)
            name = name.substring(0,i) + randomChar + name.substring(i+1);  //put it in

    //it is programmed for constant location and speed limit
    location = "I-10 and 48th Street";

    //generate pseudorandom "cameraID"
    rand = generator.nextInt(10);     //int between 0-9
    if (rand < 2)
        cameraID = "A";       //starts with A 2/10 of the time
        cameraID = "B";

    //middle digits of varying length
    len = generator.nextInt(4)+4;   //length this part of the ID (3-7 digits)
    for (int i=0; i<len; i++)
        cameraID = cameraID + (char)(generator.nextInt(10)+48);   //concatenate a random digit

    //ends with 35 2/10 of the time
    rand = generator.nextInt(10);
    if (rand < 2)
        cameraID = cameraID + "35";   //concatenate

    //speed is a random number between 6 - 20 mph over the limit
    rand = (int)(Math.random()*20);
    speed = LIMIT + 6 + rand;

//getLimit - returns the speed limit the camera was set at
public int getLimit()
    return LIMIT;

//getSpeed - returns the driver's speed
public int getSpeed()
    return speed;

//setSpeed - sets the speed to whatever is passed in
public void setSpeed(int newSpeed)
    speed = newSpeed;

//getName - returns the driver's name
public String getName()
    return name;

//get getCameraID - returns the cameraNumber
public String getCameraID()
    return cameraID;

//setCameraID - sets it to whatever is passed in
public void setCameraID(String newID)
    cameraID = newID;

//toString - returns its representation as a String
public String toString()
    String str = "\nName: " + name + "\nLimit: " + LIMIT;
    str += "\nSpeed: " + speed + "\nCamera: " + cameraID;
    str += "\nLocation: " + location;

    return str;


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