dimanche 26 février 2017

VB not showing error message in Else clause

I am trying to make a program that displays an error message in a StatusStrip control whenever the user doesn't enter a numeric value or a numeric value that falls within a certain range and gives the TextBox with aforementioned incorrect information focus after the user clicks the "Calculate" button. It displays the error message when the user fails to enter a numeric value in a TextBox but when the user enters a number outside the specified range it only gives focus to the TextBox and doesn't display the error message in the StatusStrip control. Please help.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
    ' Variable declarations
    Dim dblWeek1 As Double          ' Week 1 Temperature
    Dim dblWeek2 As Double          ' Week 2 Temperature
    Dim dblWeek3 As Double          ' Week 3 Temperature
    Dim dblWeek4 As Double          ' Week 4 Temperature
    Dim dblWeek5 As Double          ' Week 5 Temperature
    Dim dblFiveWeekSum As Double    ' Sum of temperatures for five weeks
    Dim dblAverage As Double        ' Average of Temperatures

    ' Determine if there's a number in txtWeek1
    If IsNumeric(txtWeek1.Text) Then

        ' Determine if the value is > -50 and < +130
        If CDbl(txtWeek1.Text) > -50 And CDbl(txtWeek1.Text) < +130 Then

            ' Determine if there's a number in txtWeek2
            If IsNumeric(txtWeek2.Text) Then

                ' Convert the text to a number and place it in a variable
                dblWeek2 = CDbl(txtWeek2.Text)

                ' Determine if the value is > -50 and < +130
                If dblWeek2 > -50 And dblWeek2 < 130 Then

                    ' Display the temperature
                    txtWeek2.Text = dblWeek2.ToString()

                    ' Determine if there's a number in txtWeek3
                    If IsNumeric(txtWeek3.Text) Then

                        ' Convert the text to a number and place it in a variable
                        dblWeek3 = CDbl(txtWeek3.Text)

                        ' Determine if the value is > -50 and < +130
                        If dblWeek3 > -50 And dblWeek3 < 130 Then

                            ' Display the temperature
                            txtWeek3.Text = dblWeek3.ToString()

                            ' Determine if there's a number in txtWeek4
                            If IsNumeric(txtWeek4.Text) Then

                                ' Convert the text to a number and place it in a variable
                                dblWeek4 = CDbl(txtWeek4.Text)

                                ' Determine if the value is > -50 and < +130
                                If dblWeek4 > -50 And dblWeek4 < 130 Then

                                    ' Display the temperature
                                    txtWeek4.Text = dblWeek4.ToString()

                                    ' Determine if there's a number in txtWeek5
                                    If IsNumeric(txtWeek5.Text) Then

                                        ' Convert the text to a number and place it in a variable
                                        dblWeek5 = CDbl(txtWeek5.Text)

                                        ' Determine if the number is > -50 and < 130
                                        If dblWeek5 > -50 And dblWeek5 < 130 Then

                                            ' Display the temperature
                                            txtWeek5.Text = dblWeek5.ToString()

                                            ' Add the temperatures and store the answer in a variable
                                            dblFiveWeekSum = dblWeek1 + dblWeek2 + dblWeek3 + dblWeek4 + dblWeek5

                                            ' Calculate the average
                                            dblAverage = dblFiveWeekSum / 5

                                            ' Display the average
                                            lblAverage.Text = dblAverage.ToString()
                                            lblStatus.Text = "Error: The temperature for Week 5 must be between -50 and 130."
                                        End If
                                        lblStatus.Text = "Error: The Week 5 field must contain a numeric value."
                                    End If
                                    lblStatus.Text = "Error: The temperature for Week 4 must be between -50 and 130."
                                End If
                                lblStatus.Text = "The Week 4 field must contain a numeric value."
                            End If
                            lblStatus.Text = "Error: The temperature for Week 3 must be between -50 and 130."
                        End If
                        lblStatus.Text = "Error: The Week 3 field must contain a numeric value."
                    End If
                    lblStatus.Text = "Error: The temperature for Week 2 must be between -50 and 130."
                End If
                lblStatus.Text = "Error: The Week 2 field must contain a numeric value."
            End If
            lblStatus.Text = "Error: The temperature for Week 1 must be between -50 and 130."
            'MessageBox.Show("Error: The temperature for Week 1 must be between -50 and 130.")
        End If
        lblStatus.Text = "Error: The Week 1 field must contain a numeric value."
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub btnClear_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnClear.Click

    ' Clear any error messages that may appear
    lblStatus.Text = String.Empty

    ' Clear all the TextBox controls and the Label control.
    lblAverage.Text = String.Empty

    ' Give focus to txtWeek1
End Sub

Private Sub btnExit_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnExit.Click
    ' Close the form
End Sub
End Class

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