vendredi 29 septembre 2017

Countifs and ranges

I'm trying to write some code that requires a cell value to be within a range of dates. This is what I have written so far (albeit a few name changes for simplicity):

=IF(COUNTIFS('[SheetA.xlsx]TabA'!A2:AA2, "submit", '[SheetA.xlsx]TabA'!B2:AB2, '[SheetA.xlsx]TabB'!A9:A13) >= 1, '[SheetA.xlsx]TabA'!C2, "")

Basically, if a cell in a row contains the word "submit" AND the cell to the right of it has a date (within a specific range of five days), I'd like the function to return the third cell of that row.

The range in bold is a range of dates.

This formula doesn't work when I use a range, but returns expected values when I enter a single date. What should I change?

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