mercredi 27 septembre 2017

the professor prohibited us from using the break statement to end a an infinte while loop ,Any alternatives?

**How do I get rid of the infinte loops pointed out?I can't use the break statement.I tried to use the if statement without a while loop , but the problem was that the last else statement won't prompt the user to re-enter a value for commande_commis ,so I resorted to the while loop ,and here i am struggling with the infinte loops **

 public static void main (String[] params) {
    char commisfalse='f' ;
     char commisFalse='F';
     char commistrue='t';
     char commisTrue='T' ;
     char commande_commis ;

     //true or flse
    System.out.print("want to end program?");

     boolean commis=false;

    if(commande_commis==commisfalse || commande_commis==commisFalse){
        System.out.println("end"); //infinte loop

    }else if(commande_commis==commistrue || commande_commis==commisTrue){
        System.out.println("Welcome"); //infinte loop
    } else{

} }

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