jeudi 30 novembre 2017

Javascript or Statement - with href [duplicate]

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Goal: Depending on which "or" statement matches the text have a href change to the correct link.

I have a list of 250 jobs that I need to sort through and generate a top 10 list. The top 10 list is already being generated I now need to set the correct href for each job in the top 10. I'd really like to find a better way than doing literally 2,500 if statements checking each job (250 x 10 jobs to check).

My solution is an if statement which checks each rank. This works fine. However how do I determine which "rank" matched?

The $(this).attr section needs to change the correct rank's href. For example if rank4 matched entrepreneur I'd need rank4's href to change not the others. I tried to use 'this' with no luck.

Any advice? Thanks for the help!

What the variables look like: var rank2 = $('#jobRank2').html()

   if(rank1 || rank2 || rank3 || rank4 || rank5 || rank6 || rank7 || rank8 
   || rank9 || rank10 == "Entrepreneur"){
        $(this).attr("href", "/entrepreneur")

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