lundi 29 janvier 2018

Elm - Executing multiple lines per if branch

For example, in one branch, I want see how many times a number is divisible by 1000, then pass the starting number less that amount into the function recursively. This is what I have written:

if num // 1000 > 0 then
    repeat (num // 1000) (String.fromChar 'M')
    convertToRom (num - (num // 1000) * num)

However, I get the following error in the REPL when testing:

> getRomNums 3500
-- TYPE MISMATCH ----------------------------------------- .\.\RomanNumerals.elm

Function `repeat` is expecting 2 arguments, but was given 4.

34|             repeat (num // 1000) (String.fromChar 'M')
35|>            convertToRom (num - (num // 1000) * num)

Maybe you forgot some parentheses? Or a comma?

How can I write multiple lines of code for a single if branch?

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