samedi 24 février 2018

JavaScript - adding spaces after push in empty array & one checkbox is free

Here's my codepen:

When you click on the meat selection, it gets pushed into an array and then displayed, but there's no space between selections. How would I go about adding that space?

function meatSelected() {
  var meat = [];
  var meatChecked = document.querySelectorAll(
  for (var i = 0; i < meatChecked.length; i++) {
  document.getElementById("meat").innerHTML = meat;

Also, I need one of the meats to be free, but anything over will be extra. I don't know how or where to add that 'if meat checked is > 1, all other meats will be an additional $1 each.' Is there somehow a way to access the function meatSelected for that purpose? I'm just starting out with JavaScript, so please no jQuery and simple terms if possible, even if it is a longer code. I just want to be able to understand why it works.

  if (document.getElementById("pepperoni").checked) {
    add += 1;
  if (document.getElementById("sausage").checked) {
    add += 1;
  if (document.getElementById("canadian_bacon").checked) {
    add += 1;
  if (document.getElementById("ground_beef").checked) {
    add += 1;
  if (document.getElementById("anchovy").checked) {
    add += 1;
  if (document.getElementById("chicken").checked) {
    add += 1;

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