jeudi 24 mai 2018

React Native - How do I find if one of the values in an array matches one of the values in the other array?

I have found and tried out .includes to help with this problem. But .includes did not work as I intended. It actually did find which value in the array match the value in the other array, but it only matched similar values:

result_postid results mapped with commas:

[10,22,12,36,45,206] results mapped with commas:


I tried to figure out why some of the values kept returning true when they should be clearly false. Then I came to the conclusion that .includes was actually taking 36 from result_postid and matching it with 136 in This is how I setup the if statement with .includes:

{result_postid.includes( ?

This is the result:

result_postid | | Result

10 != 5,13,28,136,400,538: False
22 != 5,13,28,136,400,538: False
12 != 5,13,28,136,400,538: False
36 =  5,13,28,136,400,538: True <--- this should be false
45 != 5,13,28,136,400,538: False
206 != 5,13,28,136,400,538: False

Is it possible to find if one of the values in the array exactly matches one of values in the other array?

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