vendredi 28 décembre 2018

c++ if statement malfunction

why are my else if loops not working the code when ran skips over the else statement and executes the if statement even if it is not true

    using namespace std;
    int a;
    int b;
    char operation;
    int sum;
    int sub;
    int mul;
    int divide;
    int mod;
    int main()
    cout<< "enter a number \n";
    cin >> a>>operation>>b;
    if (operation= '')
        cout << a<<operation<<b<<sum;
    else if (operation= '-')
        cout << a<<operation<<b<<sub;
    else if (operation= '/')
    { if(b==0){
        cout<<"You cannot divide by zero";
        cout << a<<operation<<b<<divide;}
    }else if (operation= '*')
        cout << a<<operation<<b<<mul;
    else if (operation= '%')
        cout << a<<operation<<b<<mod;
        cout<<"Invalid input";

        return 0;

the output is always just adding the numbers no matter what sign the input has it wont go over my else if statements even if the operation isnt + infact even if i use a wrong operation it just adds the two numbers

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