dimanche 30 décembre 2018

How to create a loop and move to the cell below when a condition is not met on excel or VBA?

I have a list of keywords and a list of questions on excel. I need to see IF every single keywords is found into the questions or not.


       A                    B
   1 expense      how is my bonus calculated?
   2 business     how do i change my bank account? 
   3 bonus        how do i apply for a credit card?

I was trying to solve it with an IF statement on excel such as:


but it works just for few keywords, so I was wondering if there is an alternative way as a formula or maybe an easy method on VBA to create a loop.

In other words: IF A1 is NOT on B1, look at A2, if not, look at A3, etc.

Thanks a lot to everyone will help!

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