lundi 18 février 2019

Why does the program give an error in the if statement colon?

On the colon of the 'time' if statement is a syntax error. I am pretty new to python AND python syntax is kinda weird for me. (I come from Java)

It doesent show the error code for some reason. There is just a window that pops up saying 'Syntax Error' (I am using IDLE).

I am working on Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS. Have tried putting if statements outside with. Have tried putting if statements outside def.

def button_clicked():
with sr.Microphone() as source:
    print ('What do you want me to do?')
    audio = r.listen(source)
    text = r.recognize_google(audio)
    if text == 'exit' or text == 'stop':
        os.system("espeak 'Bye Bye!'")
    if text == 'date':
        date = str(
        os.system("espeak '{}'".format(date)
    if text == 'time':
        time = str(
        os.system("espeak '{}'".format(time)

Gives an error. Should not give an error.

Note: I am posting for the first time on stack overflow, excuse if my post doesent meet the standards. If it doesent please point it out and I will make note of it.

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