mercredi 29 janvier 2020

Loop with increment VBA Macro Excel

this is my first post on the community and i'm hoping for it to be useful for me as well for other members.

I know that this question has been asked many times on this forum, but everyone got a different situation.

I'm trying to create a Macro that would calculate the number of hours from a range of cells. If they match the number i put on my condition then it's good to go, if not i want to display a msgbox or catch the error.

A quick look of the excel template

enter image description here

This is the code of my existing Macro, but i only managed to calculate the first range, i want to add a loop that would calculate the number of hours for every existing column: Which could be variant from 1 day to 31 days depending on the person using the excel template.

The number of projects could vary too "Code OTP" from 1 to 10 projects.

Sub SommeEnVBA_1b()

MaColonne = 2 '(= colonne "B")
MaPremiereLigne = 8
MaDerniereLigne = 1000
Dim i As Integer

MaSomme = 0

For UneLigne = MaPremiereLigne To MaDerniereLigne
    MaSomme = MaSomme + Cells(UneLigne, MaColonne).Value
Next UneLigne
If MaSomme = "8,8" Then
    MsgBox "Les heures entrées sont correctes : " & MaSomme
    MsgBox "Les heures entrées sont incorrectes"
   End If

End Sub

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