vendredi 27 mars 2020

I receive the following error with my Lua Script that I cannot understand. Error message: 'then' expected near 'AND'

I'm using the following Lua Script for the indesign plugin easycatalog but keep receiving an error message stating that it's expecting then near AND. I appreciate any help. Thank you!

Here is the code that I'm using:

[[if (field(‘compatible_ccm_series’, ‘compatible_ccs_series’) == ‘TRUE’) AND (field(‘requires_usbc19pinadapter’) == ‘FALSE’) then;]]do this

[[elseif (field(‘compatible_ccm_series’, ‘compatible_ccs_series’, ‘requires_usbc19pinadapter’) == ‘TRUE’) then;]]◐

[[elseif (field(‘compatible_ccs_series’) == ‘TRUE’) AND (field(‘compatible_ccm_series’) == ‘FALSE’) then;]]*


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