jeudi 30 avril 2020

I do not why it is not roatating?

I don know what am I doing wrong.

Write a function named rotateArt that takes two (2) parameters: imageArray and rotation. (a) imageArray is a 2D array of any dimension containing an ASCII art “image.” (b) rotation is a value that is one of the following values: 0, 90, 180, 270, 360, -90, -180, -270. A positive value indicates a rotation in the clockwise direction. A negative value indicates a rotation in the counter-clockwise direction. A value of 0 or 360 means that no rotation is to take place, but that the image is to be mirrored or flipped around the vertical axis

function rotateChar(char,rotation){
let rowLookup = ['^','v','>','<','|','-','|','\\','/','`','~','[','=','_'];
let colLookup = [-270,-180,-90,0,90,180,270];
let rotations = [
   if (rowLookup.indexOf(char)=== -1 || colLookup.indexOf(rotation)=== -1) {
       return char;
   } else {
       return rotations[rowLookup.indexOf(char)][colLookup.indexOf(rotation)];

 function rotateArt(imageArray,rotation){
 rotation = parseInt(rotation);
 let newArray = [];
 let width = 0, height = 0;
 let cols =  [-270,-180,-90,0,90,180,270];
 let rowLookup = ['^','v','>','<','|','-','|','\\','/','`','~','[','=','_'];

switch (rotation){
 case 90:
    width = cols;
    height = rowLookup;
    for (let i =0; i < width; i++){
        let newRow = [];
        for (let j =0; j < height; j++){

for (let i = 0; i < rowLookup; i++){
    for (let j =0; j < cols; j++){
        newArray[j][rowLookup - 1 - i] = rotateChar(imageArray[i][j],rotation);
return newArray;

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