jeudi 28 janvier 2021

Create new column based on 2 reference string columns


I have 2 dataframes, a reference dataframe ref_df and a test dataframe test_df. The reference dataframe was made to consist of 2 columns (strings): reference_A and reference_B for which I would like to create a new column, in my test_df dataframe to state that if both strings columns test_A and test_B match reference_A and reference_B, then "Pass", else "Fail".

Example Data

reference dataframe
ref_df <- data.frame(
  reference_A = c("ABC","HIJ","NOP","TUV"),
  reference_B = c("DEF","KLM","QRS","WXY")


  reference_A reference_B
1         ABC         DEF
2         HIJ         KLM
3         NOP         QRS
4         TUV         WXY
test_df dataframe
test_df <- data.frame(
  sample = c(1,2,3,4,5,6),
  test_A = c("ABC","HII","NOP","TUV","TUS","KJF"),
  test_B = c("DEF","KLM","QRR","WXY","WXZ", "KLM")


  sample test_A test_B
1      1    ABC    DEF
2      2    HII    KLM
3      3    NOP    QRR
4      4    TUV    WXY
5      5    TUS    WXZ
6      6    KJF    KLM

Desired Solution


  sample test_A test_B status
1      1    ABC    DEF Pass
2      2    HII    KLM Fail
3      3    NOP    QRR Fail
4      4    TUV    WXY Pass
5      5    TUS    WXZ Fail
6      6    KJF    KLM Fail

Failed Attempt

test_qc <- test_df %>% 
  select(test_A, test_B) %>% 
  mutate(status = 
           ifelse(test_A == ref_df$reference_A & test_B == ref_df$reference_B, 
                  "Pass", "Fail"))
Warning messages:
1: Problem with `mutate()` input `status`.
ℹ longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
ℹ Input `status` is `ifelse(...)`. 
2: In test_A == reference$reference_A :
  longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
3: Problem with `mutate()` input `status`.
ℹ longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
ℹ Input `status` is `ifelse(...)`. 
4: In test_B == reference$reference_B :
  longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length

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