jeudi 28 janvier 2021

I'm trying to make a simple story maker but I'm stuck on the gender part

Im trying to make a simple story that contains users input, but i can't get my gender part to work. I want it to be able to recognize the gender from the input and then print the appropriate pronoun.

import time
print("What's your name?")
character_name = input("Type it in here: ")
print("How old are you?")
character_age = input("Type your age in here here: ")
def isMale():
    Male = input("You're a male? True or False?")
    if (Male == "True"):
        Male_Bool = True
    elif (Male == "False"):
        Male_Bool = False
    if (Male_Bool) == True:
        print("There was a man named " + character_name + ", ")
        print("he was " + character_age + ".")
        print("He likes the name " + character_name + ", ")
        print("but didn't like being " + character_age + ".")
    elif(not Male_Bool) == False:
        print("There was a woman named " + character_name + ", ")
        print("she was " + character_age + ".")
        print("She likes the name " + character_name + ", ")
        print("but didn't like being " + character_age + ".")
    return isMale()

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