lundi 26 avril 2021

Swift: How can I successively change my variable in a if-else loop?

I'm all new to Swift since three days back and are currently trying to make a simple if-else loop, just to try it's functions, in which I want to change the value of the string that's supposed to be returned from my function like this:

class TestClass(){    
var TestString = "0"
    func TestFunc()->String {
        if (TestString == "0") {
            TestString = "5"
        else if (TestString == "5") {
            TestString = "8"
        else if (TestString == "8") {
            TestString = "12"
        else if (TestString == "12") {
            TestString = "17"
        else if (TestString == "17") {
            TestString = "25"
        return TestString

But when I test the method with this code from the InterfaceController:

@IBAction func test(){

The first time I tap the button it prints "5" as expected. But the second and third, and so on, time it keeps printing "5" even though I constantly updates the value of the TestString after each if/else if statement. It feels like the TestString doesn't update it's value or if it resets between every tap.

Does anyone sit on a great solution to this?

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