I am fairly new to Haskell and trying to comprehend writing functions and if else conditions and everything else. I am trying to write a very basic function but I don't fully understand if-then-else usage. I have a maze that i represent as [[Char]]. And this function will simply look at the position x,y in the maze and returns if it's a valid position or not. (whether it's in the maze boundaries or not)
I have written this so far:
is_valid_position :: Int -> Int -> [[Char]] -> Bool
is_valid_position x y maze
if(x < 0 || y < 0)
then False
if(x >= length maze || y >= length (maze!!0))
then False
else True
This gives an error because of the 'else' usage right now. What I'm trying to write in python is like this:
def is_valid_position(maze, pos_r, pos_c):
if pos_r < 0 or pos_c < 0:
return False
if pos_r >= len(maze) or pos_c >= len(maze[0]):
return False
return True
How should I change my Haskell code? I appreciate any help.
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