mardi 1 juin 2021

if a number is smaller or greater than another number statement is not working for me [closed]

I'm trying to catch values that are less than 0 or greater than 8

double L = 8;

        if (rx[i]<0.0) { rx[i]+=L; b[i][0]--;}
        else if (rx[i]>L)   { rx[i]-=L; b[i][0]++;}

the problem is that I noticed that when rx[i] is 7.9996768475 it counts it as if its greater than 8 and it adds 1 to b[i][0].

I'm running an MD simulation and Im trying to save the unwrapped (unfolded) coordinates and so my box length (boundaries) are 0.0 and 8.0 but when Im printing my unfolded coordinates, I see that when values are close to 0 or close to 8 it counts them as if it crossed the boundary.

here is my code, go to the function integrate to see how i apply the boundary conditions:

//  main.c
//  MDsimulation
//  Created by Fernanda Vargas on 3/23/21.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

double v[512][3];
double x[512][3];
double xm[512][3];
double f[512][3];
double p[16667];
int b[512][3];

double realrand(){
    int intRand = rand ();
    return ((double) intRand / (double) RAND_MAX);

double halfrand(){
    return (realrand() - 0.5);

void initialize(double * rx, double * ry, double * rz, double T, double dt){
    int npart = 512;
    double sumvx=0, sumvy=0, sumvz=0;
    double sumv2=0;
    double fs =0;
    FILE* fp = fopen("MCsimulationLastConfiguration.txt","r");
    for (int i=0; i<npart; i++){
        /*get latest particle configuration*/
        /*assign x y z values to p*/
        fscanf(fp, "%lf %lf %lf",&rx[i],&ry[i],&rz[i]);
        /*give random values to velocities*/
        v[i][0] = halfrand();
        v[i][1] = halfrand();
        v[i][2] = halfrand();
        /*velocity center of mass*/
        sumvx += v[i][0];
        sumvy += v[i][1];
        sumvz += v[i][2];
        /*kinetic energy*/
        sumv2 +=v[i][0]*v[i][0]+v[i][1]*v[i][1]+v[i][2]*v[i][2];
    /*velocity center of mass*/
    sumvx = sumvx/npart;
    sumvy = sumvy/npart;
    sumvz = sumvz/npart;
    /*mean-squared velocity*/
    sumv2= sumv2/npart;
    /*scale factor of the velocities*/
    fs = sqrt(3*T/sumv2);
    for (int i=0; i<npart; i++){
        v[i][0] = (v[i][0]-sumvx)*fs;
        v[i][1] = (v[i][1]-sumvy)*fs;
        v[i][2] = (v[i][2]-sumvz)*fs;
        xm[i][0] = rx[i] - v[i][0]*dt;
        xm[i][1] = ry[i] - v[i][1]*dt;
        xm[i][2] = rz[i] - v[i][2]*dt;

/*calculate force and energy*/
double forceenergy(double * rx, double * ry, double * rz, double Lhalf, double L, double sigma, double V, double rc){
    double ene = 0;
    double npart = 512;
    double drmag, rstar, dx, dy, dz;
    for (int i=0; i<npart; i++){
        f[i][0] = 0;
        f[i][1] = 0;
        f[i][2] = 0;
    for (int i=0;i<512;i++){
        for(int j = i+1; j<512; j++){
            /*choose 2 particles interacting*/
            /*find dr calculating differences between x,y,z of the particles*/
            dx  = (rx[i]-rx[j]);
            dy  = (ry[i]-ry[j]);
            dz  = (rz[i]-rz[j]);
            if (dx>Lhalf)       dx-=L;
            else if (dx<-Lhalf) dx+=L;
            if (dy>Lhalf)       dy-=L;
            else if (dy<-Lhalf) dy+=L;
            if (dz>Lhalf)       dz-=L;
            else if (dz<-Lhalf) dz+=L;
            drmag=sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz);
            rstar = drmag/sigma;
            if (rstar<2.5*sigma){
                double rstar2 = (1/(rstar*rstar));
                double rstar6 = rstar2*rstar2*rstar2;
                double rstar12 = rstar6*rstar6;
                ene += 4 *(rstar12-rstar6) - rc;
                double force = (48/drmag)*(rstar12-0.5*rstar6);
                f[i][0] += dx*force/rstar;
                f[j][0] -= dx*force/rstar;
                f[i][1] += dy*force/rstar;
                f[j][1] -= dy*force/rstar;
                f[i][2] += dz*force/rstar;
                f[j][2] -= dz*force/rstar;
    return ene;

double pressure(double * rx, double * ry, double * rz, double Lhalf, double L, double sigma, double V){
    double drmag, rstar, dx, dy, dz;
    double innerproduct = 0.0;
    for (int i=0;i<512;i++){
        for(int j = i+1; j<512; j++){
            /*choose 2 particles interacting*/
            /*find dr calculating differences between x,y,z of the particles*/

            dx  = (rx[i]-rx[j]);
            dy  = (ry[i]-ry[j]);
            dz  = (rz[i]-rz[j]);
            if (dx>Lhalf)       dx-=L;
            else if (dx<-Lhalf) dx+=L;
            if (dy>Lhalf)       dy-=L;
            else if (dy<-Lhalf) dy+=L;
            if (dz>Lhalf)       dz-=L;
            else if (dz<-Lhalf) dz+=L;
            drmag=sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz);
            rstar = drmag/sigma;
            if (rstar<2.5*sigma){
                double rstar2 = (1/(rstar*rstar));
                double rstar6 = rstar2*rstar2*rstar2;
                double rstar12 = rstar6*rstar6;
                double force = (48/drmag)*(rstar12-0.5*rstar6);
                innerproduct += (force*rstar);
            else {
                innerproduct += 0;
    double fraction = (double) 1/3;
    double pre = 1 + (fraction*innerproduct)/V;
    return pre;

/*integrating the equations of motion*/
double integrate(double * rx, double * ry, double * rz, double dt, double L){
    int npart = 512;
    double sumvx=0, sumvy=0, sumvz=0;
    double xx, xy, xz;
    double sumv2=0;
    for(int i=0; i <npart; i++){
        double dxmn[3] = {rx[i] - xm[i][0], ry[i]-xm[i][1], rz[i]-xm[i][2]};
        for (int d=0;d<3;d++){
            if (dxmn[d]<-L/2) {dxmn[d]+=L;}
            else if (dxmn[d]>L/2) {dxmn[d]-=L;}

        xx = dxmn[0] + rx[i] + dt*dt*f[i][0];
        xy = dxmn[1] + ry[i] + dt*dt*f[i][1];
        xz = dxmn[2] + rz[i] + dt*dt*f[i][2];
        v[i][0] = (xx - rx[i] + dxmn[0])/(2*dt);
        v[i][1] = (xy - ry[i] + dxmn[1])/(2*dt);
        v[i][2] = (xz - rz[i] + dxmn[2])/(2*dt);
        /* Apply periodic boundary conditions and save a counter of how the coordinate has displaced (+ or -) and whats the accumulation*/
        if (rx[i]<0.0) { rx[i]+=L; b[i][0]--;}
        else if (rx[i]>L)   { rx[i]-=L; b[i][0]++;}
        if (ry[i]<0.0) { ry[i]+=L; b[i][1]--;}
        else if (ry[i]>L)   { ry[i]-=L; b[i][1]++;}
        if (rz[i]<0.0) { rz[i]+=L; b[i][2]--;}
        else if (rz[i]>L)   { rz[i]-=L; b[i][2]++;}
        /*velocity center of mass*/
        sumvx += v[i][0];
        sumvy += v[i][1];
        sumvz += v[i][2];
        /*kinetic energy*/
        sumv2 +=v[i][0]*v[i][0]+v[i][1]*v[i][1]+v[i][2]*v[i][2]; /*check this*/
        /*update positions previous time*/
        xm[i][0] = rx[i];
        xm[i][1] = ry[i];
        xm[i][2] = rz[i];
        //update positions current time
        rx[i] = xx;
        ry[i] = xy;
        rz[i] = xz;
    return sumv2;

int main(){
    /*define variables (reduced units)*/
    double * rx, * ry, * rz;
    double T = 1; /*temperature*/
    double L = 8.0;
    double Lhalf = L/2;
    double sigma = 1;
    double V = L*L*L;
    double rc = -0.0163168911;
    int updatefrequency = 1;
    double ene, pre,etot;
    double dt = 0.001;
    double npart = 512;
    srand(100); /*strain of random numbers*/
    /*initialize b*/
    for (int i=0; i<512; i++){

    /* Allocate the position arrays */
    rx = (double*)malloc(512*sizeof(double));
    ry = (double*)malloc(512*sizeof(double));
    rz = (double*)malloc(512*sizeof(double));
    /*initialize configuration*/
    int t=0;
    FILE* fe = fopen("MDsimulationOutputEnergy.txt","w");
    FILE* fepp = fopen("MDsimulationOutputEnergyperpart.txt","w");
    FILE* fp = fopen("MDsimulationOutputPressure.txt","w");
    FILE* fcon = fopen("MDsimulationConfigurations.txt","w");
    FILE* fval = fopen("MDsimulationVelocities.txt","w");
    FILE* funfol = fopen("MDsimulationUnfoldedCoordinates.txt","w");
    FILE* fke = fopen("MDsimulationKE.txt","w");
    for (int i=0;i<50000;i++){
        ene = forceenergy(rx,ry,rz,Lhalf,L,sigma,V,rc);
        pre = pressure(rx,ry,rz,Lhalf,L,sigma,V);
        double sumv2 = integrate(rx,ry,rz,dt,L);
        double etot = (ene + 0.5*sumv2)/npart;
        t += dt;
        /*sample = sample(); what average am i calculating?*/
        /*save energy and pressure in files*/
        if (i%updatefrequency==0){
            /*save configurations to calculate RDF and velocity*/
            for (int m=0;m<512;m++) {
                fprintf(fcon,"%10.10f %10.10f %10.10f\n",rx[m], ry[m], rz[m]);
                fprintf(fval,"%10.10f %10.10f %10.10f\n",v[m][0], v[m][1], v[m][2]);
                fprintf(funfol,"%d %d %d %d %10.10f %10.10f %10.10f %10.10f %10.10f %10.10f\n",m,b[m][0],b[m][1],b[m][2],xm[m][0],xm[m][1],xm[m][2],xm[m][0]+b[m][0]*L, xm[m][1]+b[m][1]*L, xm[m][2]+b[m][2]*L);
    printf("Ended Here"); /* An Indicator to make sure that the program has ended here
    return 0;

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