jeudi 26 août 2021

Compare data frame and a list and divide data if exists or not exists in df in R

I have a data frame and a list of 50 elements that I need to compare and create another list with existing and not existing data in the df:

PRON мин I
PRON кини he, she
PRON олор it inanimate
PART суох no
ADV манна here
CCONJ уонна and
[1] "мин"

[1] "биирдэ"

[1] "манна"

[1] "сааспар"

[1] "уонна"

If the word from the list IS IN the DF, then return POS, WORD, LEMMA If NOT in the DF, then return "- WORD -"

This is what I have so far:

test <- list()
for (w in 1:length(pron$WORD)) {
  for (i in 1:length(sakha_text_50)) {
    if(sakha_text_50[i] == pron$WORD[w])
      print(test[[length(test) + 1]] <- paste(pron$POS[w], ":", pron$WORD[w], ":", pron$LEMMA[w]))

However, when I write something like this, it prints everything, even what is in the list. What could be a problem?

test <- list()
for (w in 1:length(pron$WORD)) {
  for (i in 1:length(sakha_text_50)) {
    if(sakha_text_50[i] == pron$WORD[w])
      print(test[[length(test) + 1]] <- paste(pron$POS[w], ":", pron$WORD[w], ":", pron$LEMMA[w]))
    if(sakha_text_50[i] != pron$WORD[w]) {
      print(test[[length(test) + 1]] <- paste("-", ":", sakha_text_50[i], ":", "-"))}

The output should be something like:

"PRON : мин : "
"- : биирдэ: -"
"ADV: манна: "
"- : сааспар: -"

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