jeudi 26 août 2021

Is there a better way to check if more than two strings exists on Typo3 fluid?

Here is my working not DRY code (using VHS ViewHelper):

<v:condition.string.contains haystack="{pathFile}" needle=".jpg">
      <f:then>JPG ICON</f:then>
        <v:condition.string.contains haystack="{pathFile}" needle=".svg">
          <f:then>SVG ICON</f:then>
            <v:condition.string.contains haystack="{pathFile}" needle=".pdf">
              <f:then>PDF ICON</f:then>
              <f:else>SOME OTHER ICON</f:else>

I used v:iterator.explode as well to get the string I want and compare it, but maybe there is a simpler way using v:condition.string.contains or another aproach

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