dimanche 29 août 2021

PHP: HYPERPAY payment gateway options (Adding one more else if)

The website currently have 2 payment options (Mada, Visa/Master). I want to add ApplePay option.

The code is using ternary operator

I want to change it to a readable if/else statement but the result gives 500 error.

The old code (working):

$data = "entityId=" . ($request->payment_option == 'hyperpay_mada' ? env('HYPERPAY_MADA_ENTITY') ? env('HYPERPAY_VISA_ENTITY') : env('HYPERPAY_APPLEPAY_ENTITY') ).
            "&amount=" . str_replace(',','',number_format($order->grand_total,2)) .
            "&currency=SAR" .
            "&billing.city=" .$order->city.
            "&billing.state=" .$order->city.
            "&customer.givenName=" .$order->name.
            "&paymentType=DB" .
//            "&testMode=EXTERNAL" .
            "&customer.email=" . (!empty(session('shipping_info')['email']) && session('shipping_info')['email'] != 'null' && session('shipping_info')['email'] != null ? session('shipping_info')['email'] :'shopcustomer'. rand(10000, 99999).'@parduswear.com') .
            "&merchantTransactionId=" . uniqid();

What I am trying to do:

function paymentMethods() {
                if($request->payment_option == 'hyperpay_mada'){
                } elseif($request->payment_option == 'hyperpay_visa'){
                } elseif($request->payment_option == 'hyperpay_applepay'){
            $data = "entityId=" . paymentMethods() .
            "&amount=" . str_replace(',','',number_format($order->grand_total,2)) .
            "&currency=SAR" .
            "&billing.city=" .$order->city.
            "&billing.state=" .$order->city.
            "&customer.givenName=" .$order->name.
            "&paymentType=DB" .
//            "&testMode=EXTERNAL" .
            "&customer.email=" . (!empty(session('shipping_info')['email']) && session('shipping_info')['email'] != 'null' && session('shipping_info')['email'] != null ? session('shipping_info')['email'] :'shopcustomer'. rand(10000, 99999).'@parduswear.com') .
            "&merchantTransactionId=" . uniqid();

I tried also adding the if statement without creating a function yet gives me the same 500 error.

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