vendredi 30 janvier 2015

PHP if then else for all url starting with this domain else do smthn else

I have an easy php question , i want if all the domains starting with for e.g. do this else for all other domains of the web do smthng else,, my php code with the embeded html is like that,,, how can i avoid all the cases and have just one if and one else and not have elseif... i hope u understand my question ...

<?php if ($item->getPrimaryLink()) : ?></br>

<?php if ($item->getPrimaryLink()->getUrl() == "") : ?></br>

<a href="<?php echo $item->getPrimaryLink()->getUrl(); ?>" class="readon"><span><?php rc_e('READ_MORE'); ?></span></a>

<?php elseif ($item->getPrimaryLink()->getUrl() == "") : ?></br>

<a href="<?php echo $item->getPrimaryLink()->getUrl(); ?>" class="readon"><span><?php rc_e('READ_MORE'); ?></span></a>

<?php elseif ($item->getPrimaryLink()->getUrl() == "") : ?></br>

<a href="<?php echo $item->getPrimaryLink()->getUrl(); ?>" class="readon"><span><?php rc_e('READ_MORE'); ?></span></a>

<?php elseif ($item->getPrimaryLink()->getUrl() == "") : ?></br>

<a href="<?php echo $item->getPrimaryLink()->getUrl(); ?>" class="readon"><span><?php rc_e('READ_MORE'); ?></span></a>

<?php else : ?></br>

<a href="<?php echo $item->getPrimaryLink()->getUrl(); ?>" class="modal" rel="{size: {x: 1024, y: 550}, handler:'iframe'}"><span><?php rc_e('READ_MORE'); ?></span></a>

<?php endif; ?>

Thank you all and any ideas or suggestions would be really appreciated.. Thank you guys..

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