mardi 24 février 2015

Can someone help me find why an indirectly related global variable is affecting if statement result?

Testing Environment: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate.

What my if statement is suppose to do:

1. user makes a deposit OR withdraw----return 1 transaction
2. user makes a deposit AND withdraw----return 2 transactions
3. user does NOT make a deposit or withdraw----return 0 transactions.

My if statement half works. The reason I believe its wonky is because of my "inital balance" and my "new balance" couts that are using the global variable BALANCE.

The reason I feel like balance isn't directly related to the if statement is because only the Deposit amount (function DepositAmt) and Withdraw amount (function WithdrawAmt) should be directly affected by balance.

I went through the main.cpp and I've tried rearranging order of code and it's not making a difference. I'm completely stumped.


int main()
char firstName[255];
char lastName[255];
char sinNumber[255];
double balance = 0;
int accountType = 0;
int transactions = 0;

//Retrieve client information
cout << "Enter initial balance: ";
cin >> balance;

//Creating the account
Account account(firstName, lastName, sinNumber, balance, accountType, transactions);

double deposit;
double withdraw;
double amount;
double ammount;
int transaction;

cout << "Amount to deposit: ";
cin >> amount;
deposit = account.DepositAmt(amount);
cout << "Your new balance is: " << deposit << endl;
cout << "Amount to withdraw: ";
cin >> ammount;
withdraw = account.WithdrawAmt(ammount);
if (deposit >= 1 && withdraw >=1)
transactions = transactions + 2;

else if (deposit >= 1 || withdraw >=1)
transactions = transactions + 1;


cout << "Your new balance is: " << withdraw << endl;
cout << "Transactions: " << transactions << endl;



#include "account.h"

//Initializing account entities
Account::Account(char fn[], char ln[], char sin[], double bal, int actype, int trans)
strcpy(firstName, fn);
strcpy(lastName, ln);
strcpy(sinNumber, sin);
balance = bal;
accountType = actype;
transactions = 0;

//Deposit amount to account of user, will return the balance
double Account::DepositAmt(double amount)
if (amount < 0)
cout << "You cannot deposit a negative balance!" << endl;
return -1;

//the initial balance will be added to the amount deposited
balance = balance + amount;

return balance;


//Withdrawal amount from account of user
double Account::WithdrawAmt(double withdrawal)

//Withdraw more than balance, cause error
if (withdrawal > balance)

cout << "Sorry the withdrawal amount exceeds the account balance" <<endl;
return balance;

//withdrawal will deduct from the current balance.
balance = balance - withdrawal;

return balance;


Test Scenarios : Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5

(access to full code : account.h account.cpp main.cpp )

Thank you.

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