I was wondering if it were possible to have if statements as so for the ALU I am trying to build. I am passing values from a datapath test bench to a datapath, from the datapath into the ALU, and from the ALU back to the datapath. What i am trying to do is create a control unit which will only pass values through a certain component if the corresponding control_ALU is activated.
here is my verilog code :
module ALU (
input en_ALU, clk_ALU,
input [31:0] inputA, inputB, control_ALU,
output [31:0] resultc
wire [31:0] res_out;
always @(control_ALU)
if(control_ALU[1]) begin
andLogic andLogic_component(
.dataA (inputA),
.dataB(inputB) ,
.resultA (res_out));
if(control_ALU[2]) begin
negate m0(
.inputnegate (inputA),
.resultnegate (res_out)
reg64bit z(.clk(clk_ALU) , .clr(clr), .enable(en_ALU), .inputd(res_out), .outputq(resultc));
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