Need some help. There are some questions and answers here about this topic but didn't found one that fits my need.
I have these two queries:
UPDATE leilaov
SET seconds = CASE
WHEN (mesini = MONTH(NOW()) AND diaini = DAYOFMONTH(NOW()) AND horaini = HOUR(NOW()) AND minutoini <= MINUTE(NOW()))
OR (mesini = MONTH(NOW()) AND diaini < DAYOFMONTH(NOW()))
OR (mesini = MONTH(NOW()) AND diaini = DAYOFMONTH(NOW()) AND horaini < HOUR(NOW()))
OR (mesini < MONTH(NOW())) THEN seconds-1
WHERE numero12345 = 1
UPDATE leilaov
SET seconds = IF((mesini = MONTH(NOW()) AND diaini = DAYOFMONTH(NOW()) AND horaini = HOUR(NOW()) AND minutoini <= MINUTE(NOW()))
OR (mesini = MONTH(NOW()) AND diaini < DAYOFMONTH(NOW()))
OR (mesini = MONTH(NOW()) AND diaini = DAYOFMONTH(NOW()) AND horaini < HOUR(NOW()))
OR (mesini < MONTH(NOW())), seconds-1, seconds)
WHERE numero12345 = 1
Both work fine and there are no significant differences in execution time. The problem is that I need to update several fields and not just only one.
Whats the syntax to update several fields? Do I have to repeat the condition to each field?
Should I use CASE or IF? Or is there another better option?
Thanks in advance.
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