mercredi 29 avril 2015

Change size of Google pie charts dynamically?

I have three pie charts being generated from an array of objects. They have different colors and data values. I now want them to change size according to the value of the data being passed to them. I have an array that has three predefined sizes I want to use, with the largest value correlating to the pie chart with the highest data etc. The code:

if (data) {
  var allData = [{
        arr : [['Label', 'Value'], ['Car Sales Today', data.salesToday]],
        container : 'today-sales-chart',
        customTooltips: data.salesToday,
        color: ['green']
        arr : [['Label', 'Value'], ['Car Sales Yesterday', data.salesYesterday]],
        container : 'yesterday-sales-chart',
        customTooltips: data.salesYesterday,
        color: ['blue']
        arr : [['Label', 'Value'], ['Car Sales Last Week', data.salesLastWeek]],
        container : 'lastweek-sales-chart',
        customTooltips: data.salesLastWeek
        color: ['yellow']

 var theRadius = ['10', '30', '50'];

 var builds = [];
 for (var index in allData) {
        package: 'PieChart',
        data: allData[index].arr,
        customTooltips:  allData[index].customTooltips,
        container: allData[index].container,
        options: {
            width: 'auto',
            height: 300,
            chartArea: { width: theRadius[1] + '%', height: '80%' },
            yAxis: { textPosition: 'none' },
            legend: { position: "bottom" },
            tooltip: { isHtml: true },
            colors: allData[index].color,
            pieSliceText: 'none'

 for(var index in builds) {

The three charts are all the same size at the moment, determined by

var theRadius = ['10', '30', '50'];
chartArea: { width: theRadius[1]...

so they are all at 30%. I would like to have them render at the various sizes dynamically, using an if statement or for loop?

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