samedi 4 juillet 2015

Gurobi Python == and Variables

How does == work in Gurobi Python?

After I have created the needed variables (x[s,d,r]), I'm trying to make an if statement like x[s,d,r] == 1. The problem is, that this statement is always true so it does not matter if I set it to x[s,d,r]==0 or x[s,d,r]==2, it is always the same.

x[s,d,r] is a binary variable defined by x[s,d,r] = m.addVar(0.0,1.0,1.0,GRB.BINARY,"x_"+ s+"_"+ d +"_" + r).

z = 0.0
for s in students:
    for d in dates:
        if (s,d) in preferences:        
            if preferences[s,d]!=0:
                for r in rooms:
                    if (d,r) in tutorials:
                        if x[s,d,r]>0.001:
                            print('%s:%s:%s:%s '%(s,d,r,preferences[s,d]))
                            z = z + preferences[s,d]

 m.setObjective((z), GRB.MAXIMIZE)

So if x[s,d,r]>0.001: is the part that always evaluates to "true".

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