jeudi 23 juillet 2015

Nested Loops & Ifs, loop without Do

I keep getting a Loop without Do every time I run my code and I do not see where I am missing anything or if a loop is misplaced. I need this code to find key words in specific columns copy then paste them into a summary tab.

Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Sub Summary()

Dim MainLoop As Double
Dim SecondLoop As Double
Dim thirdLoop As Double
Dim Trow As Double
Dim counter As Integer

Dim PSKU As Integer
Dim PDesc As String
Dim PPKG As Integer

Dim CSKU As Integer
Dim CDesc As String
Dim CPKG As Integer
Dim Cstatus As String

MainLoop = 5
SecondLoop = 0
thirdLoop = 0
Trow = 5
counter = 0


    Do While MainLoop < ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row

        ParentSKU = Range("F" & MainLoop).Value
        ParentDesc = Range("G" & MainLoop).Value


            SumRow = (ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row) + 1
            Range("A" & SumRow).Value = ParentSKU
            Range("B" & SumRow).Value = ParentDesc
            Range("C" & SumRow).Value = "Parent"


                Do While SecondLoop < 20

                    If Range("H" & MainLoop + SecondLoop).Value = "MAT" Or "PKG" Or "ING" Then

                       Range("F" & MainLoop + SecondLoop).Value = CSKU
                       Range("G" & MainLoop + SecondLoop).Value = CDesc
                       Range("H" & MainLoop + SecondLoop).Value = (Cstatus)
                       Range("I" & MainLoop + SecondLoop).Value = CPKG


                            SumRow = (ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row) + 1
                            Range("A" & SumRow).Value = CSKU
                            Range("B" & SumRow).Value = CDesc
                            Range("C" & SumRow).Value = "Child"
                            Range("D" & SumRow).Value = CPKG

                     ElseIf Range("H" & MainLoop + SecondLoop).Value = "WIP" Then

                        Find = Range("F" & MainLoop + SecondLoop).Value

                        Do While Trow < ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, "J").End(xlUp).Row & thirdLoop < 20

                            If Range("J" & Trow).Value = Find Then

                                If Range("P" & Trow + thirdLoop).Value <> "" Then

                                    CSKU = Range("P" & Trow + thirdLoop).Value
                                    CDesc = Range("Q" & Trow + thirdLoop).Value
                                    Cstatus = Range("R" & Trow + thirdLoop).Value
                                    CPKG = Range("S" & Trow + thirdLoop).Value


                                        SumRow = (ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row) + 1
                                        Range("A" & SumRow).Value = CSKU
                                        Range("B" & SumRow).Value = CDesc
                                        Range("C" & SumRow).Value = "Child"
                                        Range("D" & SumRow).Value = CPKG


                                    thirdLoop = thirdLoop + 1
                                    Trow = Trow + 1


                                Trow = Trow + 1

                             End If

                            thirdLoop = thirdLoop + 1
                           End If

                    End If

                    SecondLoop = SecondLoop + 1

                    End If
                MainLoop = MainLoop + 20



End Sub

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