I've created a batch file to right click in explorer and ask the user for a folder name. If the folder already exists, I want to keep asking the user until one that does not exist is entered. The file exits after two runs through if the folder already exists and I can't figure out why this happens. It looks to me like it should continually call main until it gets a folder name that doesn't exist. See code below
set verbose=NO
@echo off
set mydir = %cd%
cd %mydir%
echo returned from main
set /p job=Enter Job Name:
echo %job%
echo returned from check
if choice==1 call:main
echo returned from main
if choice==2 call:createDirectory
if exist %job% (echo Folder already exists set choice=1) else (set choice=2)
echo %choice%
md "%job%"
md "%job%"\1.Development
md "%job%"\1.Development\1.Budgets
md "%job%"\1.Development\2.Manufacturers
md "%job%"\"2.Plans and Specs"
md "%job%"\"2.Plans and Specs"\1.Plans
md "%job%"\"2.Plans and Specs"\2.Specs
md "%job%"\3.Pricing
md "%job%"\3.Pricing\1.Quotes
md "%job%"\3.Pricing\2.Worksheets
md "%job%"\4.Sumbittals
md "%job%"\4.Sumbittals\"1.Submittal Reviews"
md "%job%"\5.Orders
md "%job%"\5.Orders\"1.Order Summaries"
md "%job%"\5.Orders\"2.Confirmation Pages"
md "%job%"\6.Closeout
md "%job%"\6.Closeout\"1.O&M Manuals"
md "%job%"\6.Closeout\2.Warranty
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