mercredi 28 octobre 2015

C++ Beginner: DEBUG ERROR ~ if/else statements

Here are the instructions: Several of your friends have decided to start their own business and they have asked you to help them by writing a program to compute their payroll. They are opening three stores and they want your program to compute the payroll and print pay checks for all 6 or their employees. Each store reports their employee and payroll data each week. All employees are paid for 40 hours per week. The data for each employee is presented below:

NAME            DED.    ID    ADDRESS             CITY/ST       ZIP  RATE  F/P   

Herold, Will     0     2234 123 Main St.      Washington, DC   20019 5.67   F
Jackson, Stan    4     3748 12 Douglas Ave.   Baltimore, MD    30229 10.00  P
Jerry, Francis   3     6666 2345 6th Street   Woodbridge, VA   44040 23.50  P
John, Wilson     2     1234 12 Georgia Ave.   Washington, DC   20019 10.40  F
Smith, Stanley   6     3456 56 D Street       Baltimore, MD    30229 12.20  P
Jeffers, Claude  1     2311 66 32nd Street    Woodbridge, VA   44040 42.03  F

The total payroll taxes that each employee must pay are determined as follows:

Let gross_pay = 40 times the hourly rate of each employee

If the employee is part time then the gross_pay should be increased by $10.50 for each deduction.

Federal tax =

15% of the gross _pay that is <= $200 +

25% of the gross _pay that is above $200 but <= $500 +

35% of the gross _pay that in excess of $500.

State tax = 10% of Federal tax unless Federal tax < $80 then State tax = 0.

City Tax = 8% of State tax unless State tax <= $50 then City tax = 0.

#include <iostream>     
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

void student_heading();
float compute_gross_pay(char, float, int);
float compute_taxes(float, float, float);
float compute_federal_tax(float);
float compute_state_tax(float);
float compute_city_tax(float stateTax);
float compute_net_pay(float, float);
void print_pay_check(float, float, float, string, string, int, string, string, string, int);

int main()
string name, ded, id, address, city, zip, rate, time;
string lastname1, firstname1, street1, type1, city1, state1;
char deductions1, job1;
int id1, zip1, rate1, address1;

ifstream inData;"infile.txt");
inData >> name >> ded >> id >> address >> city >> zip >> rate >> time;
inData >> lastname1 >> firstname1 >> deductions1 >> id1 >> address1 >> street1 >> type1 >> city1 >> state1 >> zip1 >> job1, rate1;

float gross_pay1 = compute_gross_pay(job1, rate1, deductions1);
float fed_tax1 = compute_federal_tax(gross_pay1);
float state_tax1 = compute_state_tax(fed_tax1);
float city_tax1 = compute_city_tax(state_tax1);
float all_taxes1 = compute_taxes(state_tax1, city_tax1, fed_tax1);
float net_pay1 = compute_net_pay(all_taxes1, gross_pay1);
print_pay_check(gross_pay1, net_pay1, all_taxes1, firstname1, lastname1, address1, street1, city1, state1, zip1);

void student_heading()
cout << "*******************" << endl;
cout << "Quishe' Branch" << endl;
cout << "@02736538" << endl;
cout << "SYCS-135 Computer Science I" << endl;
cout << "Assignment  7" << endl;
cout << "October 27, 2015" << endl;
cout << "******************" << endl;

float compute_gross_pay(char parttime_fulltime, float pay, int deductions)
float gross_pay;
if (parttime_fulltime == 'P')
    gross_pay = (deductions * 10.50) + (pay * 40);
else if (parttime_fulltime == 'F')
    gross_pay = pay * 40;
return gross_pay;

float compute_taxes(float state, float city, float federal)
float total_tax;
total_tax = state + city + federal;
return total_tax;

float compute_federal_tax(float grosspay)
float federal_tax;
if (grosspay <= 200)
    federal_tax = .15 * grosspay;
else if ((grosspay > 200) && (grosspay <= 500))
    federal_tax = .25 * grosspay;
else if (grosspay > 500)
    federal_tax = .35 * grosspay;
return federal_tax;

float compute_state_tax(float fedTax)
float state_tax;
if (fedTax < 80)
    state_tax = 0;
    state_tax = fedTax * .10;
return state_tax;

float compute_city_tax(float stateTax)
float city_tax;
if (stateTax <= 50)
    city_tax = 0;
    city_tax = stateTax * .08;
return city_tax;

float compute_net_pay(float totalTax, float grosspay)
float net_pay;
net_pay = grosspay - totalTax;
return net_pay;

void print_pay_check(float grosspay, float netpay, float totalTax, string first, string last, int address, string street, string city, string st, int zip)
cout << "*************************************************************************" << endl;
cout << "ABC Flowers" << endl;
cout << "123 Georgia Ave" << setw(40) << "10/27/2015" << endl;
cout << "Washington, DC, 20059" << endl;
cout << " " << endl;
cout << "Payable to: " << setw(20) << last << first << setw(60) << "Pay this amount: " << netpay << endl;
cout << setw(20) << address << street << endl;
cout << setw(20) << city << st << zip << endl;
cout << " " << endl;
cout << "Gross Pay: " << grosspay << endl;
cout << "Total Taxes: " << totalTax << endl;
cout << " " << endl;

I am having a problem debugging for this first set of data. I get the DEBUG error Run-Time Check Failure #3. I've gotten this error before nad been able to fix it but now, I have no idea. Please help.

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