mercredi 28 octobre 2015

else if statement: where do i put it

I don't know where to put my ELSE statement, if I put it in the for loop, after the IF statement, it repeats it loads of times. But if I put it outside the for loop and after IF statement, it outputs it when I don't want it to.

    else // or 
                // this code reads a file in
                String full="";
                try { FileReader reader = new FileReader("address.txt"); // new file reader to read in a file called address
                BufferedReader OwnerDetails = new BufferedReader(reader); // reads in the file efficiently

                String line; // assigning a string
                while ((line = OwnerDetails.readLine()) != null) { // reads in all file

                reader.close(); // the reader close, it finishes reading it in
                } catch (IOException e) {
                //System.out.println(full); // reads in whole file, and outputs it, used to check if the file had been written in
                    // it is commented out once program is finished, but is used when testing
                String[] details = full.split(","); // splits up info into arrays

                String searchword=registration; // searchword is set as the registration plate entered
                for (int i=0;i<details.length-2;i=i+1) 
                    if(searchword.equals(details[i])) // if the search word is in the file
                        System.out.println("Name: " +details[i-1]); // outputs name
                        System.out.println("Registration: "+details[i]); // outputs reg plate again 
                        System.out.println("Address Line 1: "+details[i+1]); // outputs address
                        System.out.println("Address Line 2: "+details[i+2]); // outputs address line 2

                        fw2.write(details[i-1]+","); // separates the details when writing in to the file
                        fw2.close(); // file writer closes


                System.out.println("The numberplate entered could not be found in the file, sorry."); // outputted if registration is not found

the task is to search for a registration plate in a file, and if its not in the file, then it should output that its not in the file.

the output of the code above is: the speed the car was driving at was: 39.47 mph Name: Adam Davies Registration: AA12ASD Address Line 1: 1 New Road Address Line 2: Northfleet The numberplate entered could not be found in the file, sorry.

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