lundi 28 décembre 2015

How can I build if sentence with compare to varius values?

How can i write this if condition in better way?

if ((data_in(8 downto 1)=x"70") or (data_in(8 downto 1)=x"69") or 
    (data_in(8 downto 1)=x"72") or (data_in(8 downto 1)=x"7A") or
    (data_in(8 downto 1)=x"6B") or (data_in(8 downto 1)=x"73") or
    (data_in(8 downto 1)=x"74") or (data_in(8 downto 1)=x"6C") or
    (data_in(8 downto 1)=x"75") or (data_in(8 downto 1)=x"7D")) then
      data_make_code <= data_in (8 downto 1); -- enter key to buffer
      wrong_data <='0';
      cnt_bit :=0;
      -- if valid key then
      current_state <= break_code_receive; 
end if;

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