I am trying to check which array element's values are equal to each other or to the NSNumber
10. The array has count 15. The problem is that when I test the value against NSNumber
10 in an if statement
, the code does not seem to evaluate.
In the array below, for example, the code should return that the value in index 0 is present in indices {0, 9, 10} since NSNumber
1 is present in index 0 and 10 and NSNumber
10 is present at index 9.
However, it only evaluates whether the NSNumber
value in index 0 is equal to NSNumber
1 and not to NSNumber
10. The output is not as expected {0, 9, 10} but only {0, 10}.
for (NSNumber *number in mutableArray) {
self.matchingIndex = [mutableArray indexesOfObjectsPassingTest:^BOOL(NSNumber *obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop)
BOOL returnValue;
NSNumber *ten = [NSNumber numberWithInt:10];
if ([number isEqualToNumber:obj] || [number isEqualToNumber:ten])
returnValue = TRUE;
return returnValue;
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