jeudi 1 décembre 2016

Break if statement c++ error

I'm writing linear and quadratic probing hash table program.

This is a for-loop I used for linear probing function and it works perfectly fine.

//when there's a collision increase i by 1 until finding empty slot
       for(i = (hashVal % tableSize+1) % tableSize; i <tableSize; i++)
           if(a[i] == -1){
               a[i] = hashVal;

so I wrote a for loop again in quadratic probing function to deal with collision

//when there's a collision increase i by i^2
    j = 0;

    for(i=((hashVal % tableSize+1) % tableSize); i < tableSize; i++)
        j = i^2;
        if(a[j] == -1){
            a[j] = hashVal;

But when I compile quadratic probing, I'm getting this error

error: 'break' statement not in loop or switch statement

I am really confused why it causes error in the second one while it is fine in linear probing. Could anyone explain why? Thank you.

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