def findClosestColor(newColor, colorList):
"""Takes in a Color object and a list of Color objects, and it finds
which color in the list is most similar to newColor. It returns the
most similar color from the list."""
currClosest = colorList[0]
currDist = distance(newColor, currClosest)
for col in colorList:
nextDist = distance(newColor, col)
if nextDist > currDist:
currClosest = col
currDist = nextDist
return currClosest
colors1 = [red, green, blue, yellow, pink, white, black]
c1 = findClosestColor(makeColor(240, 15, 30), colors1)
I'm getting (r=0, g=255, b=0) instead of (r=255, g=0, b=0).
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