mardi 25 avril 2017

if else statement format in batch file

I am new to batch scripting and am trying to execute the following if statement and the command prompt returns an error concerning the syntax. I have searched around on the internet and cannot seem to get a straight answer on how to do an if else statement in a batch file. What is the proper way to format this statement? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

if !cnt! geq 20 (
                    if !size! lss 5000000(sent>%cd%\EmailSent.txt
                        mailsend1.19.exe -to !email! -from -ssl -smtp -port 465 -sub "test" -M "The capture quality is not sufficient.  Please retake capture." -auth-plain -user "" -pass) else(sent>%cd%\EmailSent.txt
                        mailsend1.19.exe -to !email! -from -ssl -smtp -port 465 -sub "test" -M "The capture quality is ok. Patient good to go." -auth-plain -user "" -pass )

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