vendredi 3 novembre 2017

Perl if statement not working

I have a while statement that goes through data and see if there are any matches using an if statement. Problem is when I test it with matching data. I don't get the desired results.

while ( my $unit = $units->next ) {
  my $priordata = $unit->priordata;
  my $uid       = $unit->uid;
  my $unitpages = $respondent->pages->search( { form => { -like => 'prior/edit_%/' . $uid } } );

  while ( my $page = $unitpages->next ) {
    my $pagedata = $page->data;
    $priordata->{Q2}   = $pagedata->{Q2}   if $pagedata->{Q2};      #NAME
    $priordata->{Q1_1} = $pagedata->{Q1_1} if $pagedata->{Q1_1};    #STATE
    $priordata->{Q1_2} = $pagedata->{Q1_2} if $pagedata->{Q1_2};    #DOCID
    $priordata->{Q5_1} = $pagedata->{Q5_1} if $pagedata->{Q5_1};    #MONTH
    $priordata->{Q5_2} = $pagedata->{Q5_2} if $pagedata->{Q5_2};    #YEAR
  $priordata->{Q5_1} = sprintf( '%02s', $priordata->{Q5_1} ) // '00';
  $priordata->{Q1_2} =~ s/[-]+//g;                                      
  $priordata->{Q1_2} = uc $priordata->{Q1_2};                           
  $docid             =~ s/[-]+//g;
  $priordata->{Q2}   = uc $priordata->{Q2};                              
  $name2             =~ s/[,]+//g;

  if (    ( $state == $priordata->{Q1_1} )
    and ( uc $docid =~ m/$priordata->{Q1_2}/i ) )
    and ( $month == $priordata->{Q5_1} )
    and ( $year == $priordata->{Q5_2} )
    and ( uc $name2 =~  m/$priordata->{Q2}/i ) )
    $match = 1;

I put in data that should match. But I am always getting a 0 for $match. Is there something wrong with the if statement> Thanks for any input.

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