vendredi 1 décembre 2017

Error of "unary operator cannot be separated from its operand" for the else if statement in Swift 4

This is the code that I'm trying to run in Swift 4:

import UIKit

func calculatorGame(yourName: String) -> String { let gameScore = arc4random_uniform(101)

if gameScore > 80 {
    return "Your game score is \(gameScore). You are a true gamer \(yourName)"
else if gameScore <= 80 && > 40 {
    return "Your game score is \(gameScore). Just a little more push \(yourName)" \*but this line of code shows me the error from the Swift compiler "Playground execution failed:

error: Conditional Statements.playground:3:32: error: unary operator cannot be separated from its operand else if gameScore <= 80 && > 40 { ^~ *\ } else { return "Your game score is (gameScore). You need more practice (yourName)" } }

print(calculatorGame(yourName: "Yo"))

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