mercredi 26 février 2020

multiple IF statements within try except

So my script below is pulling live date from a websocket and parsing it. It can either come as [params][channel], or it can come as a [params][type].

As you can see from my code below depending on which it is I parse it and assign values in the date to my variables.

However the script never goes into the second elif statement. Even when there is a data1["params"]["type"] == "test_request". For some reason it is not moving onto the elif statement, but straight onto pass. I know this because I switched the if statement around and the first if statement is the only one that runs.

I am thinking it is caused by the try except. Any help would be appreciated.

      response1 = await websocket.recv()
      data1 = json.loads(response1)

        if data1["params"]["channel"]:
          if data1["params"]["channel"] == perp_ticker:
            perp_bid_price = data1["params"]["data"]["best_bid_price"]   
            perp_ask_price = data1["params"]["data"]["best_ask_price"]   
          elif data1["params"]["channel"] == far2_ticker:    
            far2_bid_price = data1["params"]["data"]["best_bid_price"]   
            far2_ask_price = data1["params"]["data"]["best_ask_price"]   
          elif data1["params"]["channel"] == far3_ticker:
            far3_bid_price = data1["params"]["data"]["best_bid_price"]   
            far3_ask_price = data1["params"]["data"]["best_ask_price"]   
        elif data1["params"]["type"] == "test_request" :
          await websocket.send(msg_publictest)
          print('response sent to heartbeat')

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