vendredi 28 février 2020

Trying to put an if-statement in a for loop

I am trying to input an if-statement inside of this for-loop so that whenever the user still has to eat the loop can be redone without having to lose the data already provided.

boolean yes = true;
                       boolean no = false;
                       double calorieCount = DCN;
                       int snackCalories = 300;
                       int mealCalories = 1100;
                       double meal = mealCalories;
                       double snack = snackCalories;
    for (int i = 1; calorieCount <= calorieCount; calorieCount--) {
                           System.out.println("Did you eat? yes or no");
                           String answer =;

                        if(yes == true) { //You did eat 
                               System.out.println("Did you eat a meal(1) or a snack(2)?");
                               int foodChoice = sc.nextInt();
                               if(foodChoice == 1) //Meal 
                               System.out.println("Your calories left for the day : " + (calorieCount - meal));
                               int foodChoice = sc.nextInt();
                                if(foodChoice == 2) {//Snack                  
                               calorieCount = calorieCount - snack;
                               System.out.println("Your calories left for the day : " + (calorieCount - snack));
                               else {
                               System.out.println("Your calories left for the day : " + calorieCount);
                               else(no == false){

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