samedi 29 août 2020

Cant accurately collate data from list with an integer

#I'm trying to call a search of a list with if statements and then add values to a co-ordinate that I can #call to draw a object in turtle. Similar solutions are welcome, but i really would like to know where I #am going wrong in my thinking here.

fixed_data_set_01 = [['Competitor A', 'Right'],
                     ['Competitor A', 'Down'],
                     ['Competitor A', 'Down'],
                     ['Competitor A', 'Left'],
                     ['Competitor A', 'Up']]

def list_searcher():

    global fixed_data_set_01
    d = len(fixed_data_set_01)
    f = 0 # looping variable to search through index
    y = 0 # defining y coord
    x = 0 # defining x coord
    for lister in range(d):
        f = f + 1
        p = fixed_data_set_01[f]
        if 'Up' in p:#if up is in the move set add value to y coord for competitor
            y = y + 90
            print(y,x)# testing
                 return y
        if 'Down' in p:#if down is in the move set add value to y coord for competitor
            y = y - 90
            print(y,x)# testing
                return y

        if 'Left' in p:#if left is in the move set add value to x coord for competitor
            x = x - 120
                return x
        if 'Right' in p:#if right is in the move set add value to x coord for competitor  
            x = x + 120
            print(y,x) # testing 
                return x

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