I am working on a calculator project, I am using yacc as a parser and as I have 4 different values to parse I wanted to check what was just parsed. I have a strong feeling it won't work but I don't know what to use else. I Only get this error message: Process finished with exit code -1073741571 (0xC00000FD)
If anyone can help me, I would very much appreciate it.
This is my code, the piece of code I'm talking about would be:
if parser.parse(C1):
t[0] = float(C1)
MwGCalc is this right here, it currently only works for 4*4 but it's just for testing purposes and not very well thought out:
print("Content-type: text/html\n\n")
import numpy as np
import cgitb
import cgi
form = cgi.FieldStorage()
C1 = form.getvalue('C1')
# Defining Variables
#Actual Calculating
if C1 == 256:
p = C1
And this right here is the Code for the calculator:
import numpy as np
import MwGCalc
print("Content-type: text/html\n\n")
tokens = (
# Tokens
t_PLUS = r'\+'
t_MINUS = r'-'
t_TIMES = r'\*'
t_DIVIDE = r'/'
t_EQUALS = r'='
t_LPAREN = r'\('
t_RPAREN = r'\)'
t_NAME = r'[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*'
t_POWER = r'\^'
t_FUNC = r'(sin)|(cos)|(tan)|(ln)|(log)|(sqrt)'
def t_NUMBER(t):
r'\d+' # [0-9]+
t.value = int(t.value)
except ValueError:
print("Integer value too large %d", t.value)
t.value = 0
return t
# Ignored characters
t_ignore = r" \t\r"
def t_newline(t):
t.lexer.lineno += t.value.count("\n")
def t_error(t):
print("Illegal character '%s'" % t.value[0])
# Build the lexer
lexer = lex.lex()
# Parsing rules
precedence = (
('left', 'PLUS', 'MINUS'),
('left', 'TIMES', 'DIVIDE'),
('left', 'POWER'),
('right', 'UMINUS'),
# dictionary of names
names = {}
def p_statement_assign(t):
'statement : NAME EQUALS expression'
names[t[1]] = t[3]
def p_statement_expr(t):
'statement : expression'
if parser.parse(C1):
t[0] = float(C1)
def p_expression_binop(t):
'''expression : expression PLUS expression
| expression MINUS expression
| expression TIMES expression
| expression DIVIDE expression
| expression POWER expression'''
if t[2] == '*':
t[0] = t[3]**t[1]
def p_expression_uminus(t):
'expression : MINUS expression %prec UMINUS'
t[0] = -t[2]
def p_expression_func(t):
'expression : FUNC LPAREN expression RPAREN'
if t[1] == 'sin':
t[0] = np.sin(t[3])
elif t[1] == 'cos':
t[0] = np.cos(t[3])
elif t[1] == 'log':
t[0] = (np.log(t[3])) / (np.log(10))
elif t[1] == 'sqrt':
t[0] = np.sqrt(t[3])
elif t[1] == 'ln':
t[0] = (np.log(t[3]))
def p_expression_group(t):
'expression : LPAREN expression RPAREN'
t[0] = t[2]
def p_expression_number(t):
'expression : NUMBER'
t[0] = t[1]
def p_expression_name(t):
'expression : NAME'
t[0] = names[t[1]]
except LookupError:
print("Undefined name '%s'" % t[1])
t[0] = 0
def p_error(t):
print("Syntax error at '%s'" % t.value)
if __name__ == "__main__": # HTML is following
print() # blank line, end of headers
print("<TITLE>CGI script output</TITLE>")
import ply.yacc as yacc
parser = yacc.yacc()
# while True:
# try:
# s = input('calc > ') # Use raw_input on Python 2
# except EOFError:
# break
# parser.parse(s)
import cgi
import cgitb
form = cgi.FieldStorage()
C1 = form.getvalue('C1')
if C1 is not None:
C1 = str(C1)
C2 = form.getvalue('C2')
if C2 is not None:
C2 = str(C2)
C3 = form.getvalue('C3')
if C3 is not None:
C3 = str(C3)
C4 = form.getvalue('C4')
if C4 is not None:
C4 = str(C4)
for C1 in C1.splitlines():
for C2 in C2.splitlines():
for C3 in C3.splitlines():
for C4 in C4.splitlines():
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