I'm trying to have my sheet trigger an email alert when the last row on certain column matches an if statement after a google form feeds the sheet. it worked the first time but when i try to do a second condition it only acomplishes the second if. so separated the ifs work, but not combined.
can you guys help? here is the function:
function sendEmails() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Observaciones Diarias IMPRG");
var lr = ss.getLastRow();
var currentTemp = ss.getRange(lr, 6).getValue();
var currentkidName = ss.getRange(lr, 3).getValue();
var currentTexture = ss.getRange(lr, 15).getValue();
if(currentTemp >39) {
MailApp.sendEmail("alvaroalfredo25@gmail.com","Temperature>39°Alert", currentkidName + " had atemperature of " + currentTemp + "° " +" which is extremely high, please check")
else if (currentTexture = 1){
MailApp.sendEmail("alvaroalfredo25@gmail.com","Texture Alert", currentkidName + " had a " + " liquid Evacuation. which indicates an issue, please check")
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