I have a piece of code that works fine in dev, but isn't scaling.
The goal is to: (1) find MongoDB doc, (2) if there is a document, push into array, (3) if the loop is finished, return next()
//Grab a list of all the active users
for(let i=0; i<res.locals.masterPhaseArray.length; i++){
User.find({team_oid: res.locals.masterPhaseArray[i].team_oid}, {_id: 0, email: 1, firstname: 1}).then(doc => {
if(res.locals.masterPhaseArray.length == i+1){
res.locals.liveUsers = liveUsers
return next()
The issue is that when doc is long liveUsers.push()
does not complete before return next()
is reached, and so the incomplete document is sent.
How can I make sure that liveUsers.push() is finished before it reaches the next if
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