I would like for someone to help me by telling me what code i should use in case the input number turns out to be for the secound if or third if, if the used doesnt put the right amount (73-77) then id like the user to be able to type in a new value i can use... how do i do that please
namespace test { class Program {
public static int FahrToCels(int fahr)
int cel = (fahr - 32) * 5 / 9;
return cel;
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Skrive in Temperaturen: ");
int fahrenheit = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
int celsius = FahrToCels(fahrenheit);
Console.Write("Presifs any key to continue . . .");
if (celsius >= 73 && celsius <= 77)
Console.WriteLine("now it works ");
else if (celsius < 72)
else if (celsius > 77)
while (true);
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