vendredi 30 octobre 2020

No value variation in returned column when using for loops and ifelse statements)

I have written a function (pre_post_comparision) that takes a set of columns containing survey responses, and uses a for loop and a series of ifelse statements to conditionally increment a score on a variable called bonus_points.

The objective of the function is to return the bonus_points column containing a user's score. bonus_points should range between 0 and 3.

When running the function using the full dataset, the returned score has no variation, with a score of 2 for each user. When running the function one row at a same, I am able to achieve variation in the bonus_points variable (i.e. bonus_points range between 0, 1, 2, 3).

What changes should I make to the function so that I am returning the correct bonus_points score?

To help, below is an example of my code and dataset.

Thanks in advance!

The pre_post_comparison function

SEA_VALUE_LUT <- function(df){
  for (i in 1:length(df)){
    df[,i][df[i] == 4] <- 5
    df[,i][df[i] == 3] <- 4
    df[,i][df[i] == 2] <- 3
    df[,i][df[i] == 0] <- 0

pre_post_comparison <- function(df, cap){  
  df$bonus_points <- 0
  for(i in seq(from=1, to=length(df)-2, by = 2)){
    x <-[,i])
    y <-[,i+1])
    is_strength <- TRUE
    pairs_df <- cbind(x, y)
    pairs_df <- SEA_VALUE_LUT(pairs_df)
    colnames(pairs_df) <- c("cur_value", "pre_value")
    ifelse(cur_value >=3, 
           ifelse(is_strength && pre_value == 5,
                  df$bonus_points <- df$bonus_points + 1,
                  ifelse(!is_strength && pre_value == 0, 
                         df$bonus_points <- df$bonus_points + 1,
                         ifelse(pre_value == 2 || pre_value == 3 || pre_value == 4, 
                                df$bonus_points <- df$bonus_points + 1, NA))), NA)

  df$bonus_points[df$bonus_points > cap] <- cap

Example data frame

| H.Response2.Attack | H.Response.Attack | H.Response2.Budget | H.Response.Budget | H.Response2.Cred | H.Response.Cred |
|                  4 |                 4 |                  4 |                 4 |                4 |               3 |
|                  4 |                 4 |                  3 |                 2 |                3 |               4 |
|                  4 |                 4 |                  3 |                 2 |                3 |               4 |
|                  4 |                 4 |                  4 |                 4 |                4 |               4 |

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