dimanche 27 septembre 2015

Java- Saving score in a game

I'm having problems tyring to keep score in my "guessing" game. I have to use a for loop or while loop... I have it so 10 random numbers are created in a text file called mystery.txt and a file reader reads these numbers from the text file.

Your score starts at 0. If the user guesses the correct number from the text file they get -10 points. if they get the number wrong they add the correct number from the text fie to their score. The lower the score in the end the better.

When I only run my if else statement once, it works correctly. Once I loop it more than once it starts to act up.

I have to use an if else statement and a for or while loop. Thanks!

    int score= 0;

    int a = 1;

    while (a<=10) {
    System.out.print ("Please enter a number between 0 and 10: ");
    int userNumber= myscnr.nextInt();
    if (userNumber==numberInFile){
        score = score-10;
        score = score + Math.abs(numberInFile);

    System.out.println ("current score is: "+score);

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