dimanche 28 février 2016

ng-if in ng-repeat recreating elements on click events

I wanted to replace anchor tag by img when user clicked on it. My Sample code is like

<div ng-repeat="postpart in currentPost.parts ">

 <div ng-if = "postpart.type == 'MEDIA'">

   <div ng-if = "!postpart.isclicked">
          <img ng-src="{{imgurl}}" ng-click="iclicked(postpart)"/>

   <div ng-if = "postpart.isclicked">
       <a ng-href="{{postpart.description}}" ng-init="init()"></a>



iclicked function just make isclicked to true.

It worked perfectly for one part. But When there are 2 parts it is showing 2 images. When i click on first it replaces by one anchor element.

But in case of 2nd image click it replaces with 2 anchor tags.

How can i able to make it? is there any solution to replace image element by anchor in ng-repeat?

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